Are you looking for a new and unique hairstyle? Well we have the solution for you! Stand out with the fishtail braid! The fishtail braid is a perfect way to stand this summer or at any time throughout the year! All it takes is a few easy steps:
Step 1: Pull hair back into a ponytail.
Step 2: Divide the ponytail into two smaller, equal-sized ponytails.
Step 3: Separate a half-inch section of hair from the outside of the left ponytail.
Step 4: Pull this piece across the top of the left ponytail over to the right ponytail.
Step 5: Next, separate a half-inch section of hair from the outside of the right ponytail.
Step 6: Pull this piece across the top of the right ponytail over to the left ponytail.
Step 7: Repeat steps 3-6 until you run out of hair.
Step 8: When you’re finished braiding, secure the ends with a second elastic.
Step 9: If you used an elastic to start at the nape of the neck, cut it out. If you used a hair bungee, simply remove. Be sure to adjust the hair so that there’s no crease.
There you have it! Now go out and enjoy your summer with your new hairstyle!